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    甲乙双方在平等互利、共同发展的基础上签订本协议,并达成条款如下:1.合同当事人:供货人:_________公司(以下简称甲方)代理人:_________公司(以下简称乙方)2.商品及数量:甲方委任乙方为_________商品的独家销售代理人。乙方保证在协议期间销售上述商品不少于_________(数量或金额)。3.销售地区:以_________地区为限。4.订单的确认:协议商品的有关数量、价格和运输期,应在逐笔交易中确认,其细节详见甲方销货确认书。5.付款:(选择下列方式)(1)在订单确认后,乙方应于有关销货确认书规定的时间内,安排开立以甲方为受益人的、百分之百金额的,不可撤销的即期信用证,并于开证后立即通知甲方以便由_________方准备装运。(2)_________。6.佣金:甲方于收妥货款后,按每批货物发票价值的百分之_________向乙方汇付佣金。7.市场情况报告:乙方有义务每三个月向甲方寄送一次详细的报告,反映当地的市场情况和消费者意见。乙方还应随时将其他供货人所报同样商品的样品,连同其价格、销售情况、广告资料等寄给甲方参考。8.广告宣传费用:乙方应负担协议期间在上述地区的一切广告宣传费用。所有用作广告宣传的和必须送交甲方取得事前同意。hetong.11665.com9.协议有效期:本协议经有关双方签字后保持有效_________年,从_________年_________月_________日起至_________年_________月_________日止,如果一方需要,延长协议必须在满期前一个月书面通知另一方。如果一方未能履行协议条款,另一方有权终止本协议。10.仲裁:凡因本合同或与本合同有关的一切争议,应通过双方协商解决。如协商不成,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员,按其仲裁规则在深圳进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。11.其他条款:(1)甲方不应向上述地区的其他客户供应协议商品,如有任何直接询盘均要转给乙方。但是,如有任何客户坚持要与甲方直接交易,甲方有权直接成交。在后一情况下,甲方应送乙方销货确认书副本一份,并按该笔交易标的净值的百分之_________为乙方保留佣金。(2)乙方未能在_________月之内向甲方寄送至少_________(数量或金额)的订单,则甲方不再受本协议的约束。(3)对于双方政府间的交易,甲方有权按其政府授权直接成交而不受本协议的约束。乙方不应干涉这种直接交易,也不应对此提出索赔或佣金的要求。(4)其他条款应以双方签订的正式销售货确认书为准。本协议一式四份,双方各执两份。甲方(供货人)(盖章):_________   乙方(代理人)(盖章):_________代表(签字):_________        代表(签字):_________
    _________年____月____日        _________年____月____日        签订地点:_________          签订地点:_________


      甲方:_________乙方:_________一、甲方授权乙方限在_________省_________市(县、区)区域内作为甲方产品的独家经销商,甲方不再向另家供货,从而保证乙方独家销售权。二、业务办理方式:现款现货,货到先付款后提货。运输交货方式:代运制交货(只限长途)。乙方提货额达_________元。甲方负责组织货源。三、甲方按各不同品种瓶、盒上明确标明的产品执行标准保证产品质量。四、乙方对销售困难的任何_________白酒品种在保持产品原样的情况下,享受调换、退货、退款的选择权,从而维护乙方经济利益不受损失。退货调换品种时运费由乙方承担。五、乙方在所在区域内经销_________白酒发生的一切经营费用(专卖、税务、工商、技术监督、卫生防疫等)和经营风险都由乙方自己承担。六、乙方必须严格按约定区域、价格销售,不准跨域降价销售,第一次按当地经销商收回的冲货数量为依据给予冲货方应得提成的3倍罚款,从提成奖励中扣除;第二次甲方取消乙方该品种的经销资格;第三次甲方有权单方终止协议并扣除乙方所有提成奖励。七、乙方自协议签定之日起3个月内如月平均销售额达不到(_________)元,甲方有权自行终止本协议。八、本协议自双方签字第一批货物交付后生效,有效期为一年,本协议一式三份,甲乙双方各存一份,备案一份。因本协议执行发生纠纷,由甲方所在地法院负责处理。甲方(盖章):_________        乙方(盖章):_________        _________年____月____日        _________年____月____日        签订地点:_________          签订地点:_________



      Dated 08th January 2002
      1 Parties
      (1) (name of principal) whose registered office is in the PR of China at the address …. ('the Principal')
      (2) (name of principal’s agent) whose registered office in the PR of China at the address …. ('the Principal’s agent')
      2 Recitals
      2.1 The Principal manufactures goods including the Products
      2.2 The Principal’s agent trades with the Products of the Principal
      2.3 The Distributor wishes to sell the Products in the Territory
      3 Definitions
      The following terms shall have the following meanings:
      3.1 'Business': the promotion and sale of the Products by the Distributor and all matters related
      3.2 'Commencement Date': the date set out at the head of this Agreement
      3.3 'Conditions': the provisions contained in clauses [5] to [9] which shall be incorporated into this Agreement in their entirety
      3.4 'Consignment': each shipment of Products made by the Principal and/or the Principal’s agent in response to an order placed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement by the Distributor
      3.5 'Currency': US Dollars
      3.6 'Documents': the documents which must be presented in order to obtain payment under the respective sales contract pursuant to which a documentary credit is opened
      3.7 'Expiry Date': within 2 [two] years after Commencement Date unless extended as per clause [5.6] of this Agreement
      3.8 Trade Name: (insert details)
      3.9 'Minimum Annual Performance': sales of the Products in each year of the Term
      3.10 'Products': the products briefly described in Schedule 1
      3.11 'Rights': the sole and exclusive right of the Distributor to carry on:
      3.11.1 the Business
      3.11.2 for the Term
      3.11.3 in the Territory
      3.12 'Term': the period starting on the Commencement Date and ending on the Expiry Date unless earlier determined as provided in this Agreement
      3.13 'Territory': the territory of the State of Israel
      4 Grant and reservations
      4.1 The Principal grants to the Distributor the Rights
      4.2 The Principal agrees not to appoint any other person to act as its distributor of the Products in the Territory during the Term
      4.3 Without prejudice to the remaining provisions of this Agreement the Principal reserves the right to vary the Price of the Products subject current market prices at the time of receiving an order from the Distributor

      5 Principal's obligations
      The Principal agrees with the Distributor throughout the Term:
      5.1 Sole and exclusive distributor
      Neither itself nor through any agent or other distributor lawfully acting for it directly or indirectly to infringe the Rights
      5.2 Support and information
      To support the Distributor in its efforts to promote the Business and sales of the Products and in particular at its own expense
      5.2.1 to supply trial samples of the Products upon request from the Distributor
      5.2.2 to provide and promptly update information about the Products
      5.3 Indemnity
      To indemnify and keep indemnified the Distributor from and against any and all loss damage or liability whether criminal or civil suffered and legal fees and costs incurred by the Distributor in the course of conducting the Business and resulting from:
      5.3.1 any act, neglect or default of the Principal, the Principal’s agent or their agents, employees, licensees or customers
      5.3.2 any successful claim by any third party alleging libel or slander in respect of any matter arising from the supply of the Products or the conduct of the Business in the Territory provided that such liability has not been incurred by the Distributor through any default in carrying out the terms of this Agreement
      5.4 Delivery of Products
      Subject to availability to supply to the Distributor or the customers of the Distributor in the Territory the Products in accordance with orders received from the Distributor which:
      5.4.1 comply in all respects with relevant governmental or other regulations in the Territory
      5.4.2 are of merchantable quality
      5.4.3 conform to sample and specification limits
      5.4.4 are at prices notified to the Distributor by the Principal on a case to case basis
      5.4.5 are delivered with all reasonable dispatch as provided in the specific sales contract
      5.5 Extension of Term
      To extend the Term for one further period of two years without break in continuity provided that the Distributor:
      5.5.1 has properly observed and performed its obligations under this Agreement throughout the Term
      5.5.2 serves a notice on the Principal requiring such extension not later than 30 days before the Expiry Date
      5.5.3 accepts that the terms of this Agreement shall apply to any extension of the Term under this clause
      5.6 Extension of Territory
      5.6.1 To give to the Distributor not less than 60 days' written prior notice of the Principal's intention to appoint any person other than the Distributor and of the terms of such appointment: to sell the Products or goods similar to the Products

      [来源:https://hetong.11665.com/hetong/maimai/201203/4118.html ]
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